This year two events were organized the same week 7-11 October 2024. The 1st Meeting of the UNAI SDGs HUBs took place during 7-8 October 2024 and the 17th International Conference during 9-11 October 2024. The 17th International Conference has three parts: the 11th Green Energy Investments Forum, the Scientific Sessions and the Brokerage event (see below).
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), with more than 1600 academic institutions as members across the globe, has designated 16 members as global hubs to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the “2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development”.
As is well known, the “Agenda” is the action plan agreed by all UN member states for people, planet and prosperity. A plan that, through the efforts to achieve the 169 individual goals, seeks to strengthen world peace, with greater freedom for people.
With just five years to go to achieve the SDGs, the 1st Meeting of UN Academic Hubs on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will take place in Athens, between 6 and 11 October 2024.
Distinguished scientists from the world, along with their ambassadors in Athens and market players will participate in order to exchange views 1) on the extrovert participation of the academic community in the efforts to achieve the SDGs (7 Oct. 24) and 2) with hosted UNAI SDG Hubs as speakers at the annual international “Green Energy Investments Forum” (9 Oct. 24), which is conducted under the auspices of BSEC.
In this context, You and your Associates, who wish to participate in the above procedures, are requested to fill in and send the attached form for “Observers” and “Attendees”, specifying that registration and participation is free of charge.
For your better information, please find attached the relevant draft programs which will be updated appropriately during the coming weeks.
For those that would like to participate in the 1st Meeting of the UNAI SDGs HUBs as observers or attendees please register using the form and sending it to
17th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change”

1st Day – 11th Green Energy Investments Forum (9th October 2024)
Presentation from BSTDB
Presentation of UNAI Hub for SDG2 from South Africa
2nd Day – Scientific Sessions (10th October 2024)
to be uploaded
3rd Day – Brokerage event (11th October 2024)
Alternatively, you can look here

Media sponsors

Scientific Committee
From Dinner with Ambassadors and the Forum

Photos from the Scientific Sessions

Photos from the Brokerage event